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I like life, and I love God. I try to see how He is moving in every situation, looking beyond the surface to the "super" natural. Far from perfect - but trying to be near to His heart.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Deep Thoughts - Spirit trapped in Flesh

Recently Pastor was talking about Jesus taking on the flesh, and some of his comments prompted some thoughts.

I generally have lots of run-away thoughts; I'll be thinking about some comment, and start thinking deeper about it and see where that takes me.

This time, I was thinking about the spirit trapped in flesh. I've said for awhile that to me the fact of Jesus becoming man was not a huge mystery to me. We as people are spirit beings that have been placed in a fleshly body, and so the same was true for Jesus. He existed prior to being in the body which I don't believe we did, but he gave up all deity or godly powers and "humbled himself in the form of a servant" to take upon him the fleshly body and limitations. All of Jesus's powers and miracles here on earth were nothing that normal humans totally surrendered to God could not do.

My thoughts on this subject (spirit trapped in flesh) ran this time to the lines of us being blinded from the spirit realm. We are spirit, but our spirit has been totally blinded to almost any input from the spirit realm. There is so much activity going on around us all the time that we are totally oblivious to. Obviously there is the occasional input when God speaks to our heart, or even demonic input to tempt us, but most of our lives are spent wandering around as if the spirit world does not exist.

I wonder what Adam and Eve would have been like before the Fall? Did they have more insight to spirit than they did after the fall? Or is it the case that we would be the same without the Fall, merely the fact of being in the fleshly prison is enough to limit us? After receiving glorified bodies I don't see that being the same - there seems to be enough evidence in Scripture that we will see things in the spirit realm, but I must admit that is not definitely stated.

But then if it is our flesh and the flesh alone that causes the blinding (not the sin nature that also separates us from God), then what about Jesus? Did he go through life separated from the spirit realm as fully as we are? Or was he more aware of it, and we could be too if we lived our lives focused on God and not so much on the world surrounding us?

Note: I just thought I better clarify - when I talk about being aware of the spirit world around us I am in no way meaning things like those who claim to be able to see angels or demons walking around. I do not think we can "see" the spirit world in that manner while in this world.

I do think that most of us walk around with the spirit realm having little to no impact on us, making no difference in our lives. That is true even for most Christians, even though our whole lives should now be centered around the spirit world.

How many of us can say that we know we heard from God today? How long has it been since you last felt God quickening your heart with some new thought or direction?

Jesus said that true worshipers are those who worship in spirit and truth. Does your worship involve the spirit, or is it at more of a flesh level?

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