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I like life, and I love God. I try to see how He is moving in every situation, looking beyond the surface to the "super" natural. Far from perfect - but trying to be near to His heart.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

The state of the American Church

The typical American Christian lives a very shallow life. And I include myself in this. We have abandoned the rich depths of the Christian life that our spiritual ancestors experienced. We do not spend the time developing a relationship with God, growing our roots deep, sucking up the vital nutrients we need to feed our spirits.

Jesus called us to abide in him. The definition of the verb form of abide is:
  1. To remain in a place.
  2. To continue to be sure or firm; endure.
  3. To dwell or sojourn.
How can we dwell or remain in Jesus if we barely spend any time with him? Can we expect the fruit of the Spirit if we don't drink in the Spirit? I like the picture of Jesus being the vine, and we are the branches. A branch cannot suck up nutrients once a week and then go about its way for the rest of the time. The branch has to be connected every moment of every day; any time away and it starts to wither. Same with us.

Are you wondering why you feel dry and withered in your spiritual life? Get connected back to the Source.

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